fredag 17. januar 2014

Sleepy day with KLM

Sleeping in AMS KLM Lounge by Fred Ramon
Travels back to Stavanger via Schiphol today. The lady above was fast asleep (and obviously cold) despite the crowd in the lounge. Sketches made during the flight. Moleskine books are very frustrating with pencil. The paper has so little tooth, but it's like running shoes I feel guilty not too go through them before switching to something else.
Stewardess during the descent towards SVGSleeping during SVG Flight

søndag 5. januar 2014


Beetroot by Fred Ramon
Beetroot, a photo by Fred Ramon on Flickr.

1st sketch of the year...

tirsdag 31. desember 2013


SproutsOnionYellow Carrot and Dried Pepper

Vegetables, a set on Flickr.

lørdag 5. oktober 2013


Vacances by Fred Ramon
Vacances, a photo by Fred Ramon on Flickr.

Dernier gribouillis avant de clore le cahier de notes pour une semaine.

onsdag 4. september 2013


Oman by Fred Ramon
Oman, a photo by Fred Ramon on Flickr.

Bédouine à Oman. 1ere de couverture de mon notebook 2013. D'apres photo du Journal de la Mer d'Arabie (Marca).

torsdag 2. mai 2013

3e de couv'

3e de couv' by Fred Ramon
3e de couv', a photo by Fred Ramon on Flickr.

Nouveau cahier de notes

lørdag 2. mars 2013

Crête du Bourbourou

Crête du Bourbourou by Fred Ramon
Crête du Bourbourou, a photo by Fred Ramon on Flickr.

Bad weather closing in week of the 14/2

fredag 4. januar 2013

tirsdag 1. januar 2013

Bonne Année 2013!

Bonne Année 2013! by Fred Ramon
Bonne Année 2013!, a photo by Fred Ramon on Flickr.

After a year in confusion and getting lost, to work, at work, in towns, hills and generally speaking living in permanent disorientation, 2013 promises just about the same. Yoohoo.


Probably the nicest game I played for a long a time. Foxes are cute, go and waste time with William and Sly 2.


torsdag 27. desember 2012